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Shri JINManiprabhSURIji ms. खरतरगच्छाधिपतिश्री जहाज मंदिर मांडवला में विराज रहे है।

पूज्य गुरुदेव गच्छाधिपति आचार्य प्रवर श्री जिनमणिप्रभसूरीश्वरजी म.सा. एवं पूज्य आचार्य श्री जिनमनोज्ञसूरीजी महाराज आदि ठाणा जहाज मंदिर मांडवला में विराज रहे है। आराधना साधना एवं स्वाध्याय सुंदर रूप से गतिमान है। दोपहर में तत्त्वार्थसूत्र की वाचना चल रही है। जिसका फेसबुक पर लाइव प्रसारण एवं यूट्यूब (जहाज मंदिर चेनल) पे वीडियो दी जा रही है । प्रेषक मुकेश प्रजापत फोन- 9825105823

Meaning of Paryushan

The word “Paryushan” has several different meanings:
     Pari + ushan = all kinds + to burn = to burn (shed) our all types of karmas. To shed our karmas, we do twelve different types of austerities including fasting.
     Another meaning of “ushan” is to stay closer. To stay closer to our own soul from all directions and to stay absorbed in our own-self (soul), we do Svadhyaya5 (self-study), meditation, austerities, etc.
Pari + upshamana = upshamana means to suppress, to suppress our passions (kashayas – anger, ego, deceit and greed) from all directions.

Therefore, the real purpose of the Paryushan is to purify our soul by staying closer to our own soul, to look at our own faults, to ask for forgiveness for the mistakes we have committed, and take vows to minimize our faults. We try to forget about the needs of our body (like food) and our business so that we can concentrate on our-self.


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